Информация о компании


Sayga LLP


7 777 932 04 94

7 7016055113




г. Павлодар, ул. Академика Бектурова 115 строение Б
Казахстан / Павлодар




SAYGA LLP was founded on February 10, 1997. During this time the company has gained unvaluable experience, which it shares to customers with great pleasure. SAYGA LLP is the founder and member of the Koramsak Association, which integrates law firms related to arms trafficking in Kazakhstan. SAYGA LLP is the official representative of the Barnaul Cartridge Factory and the Novosibirsk Cartridge Factory in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The company also cooperates with Russian manufacturers Tekhkrim, Mart Group, Kizlyar. And leading foreign companies such as Nammo Lapua, Berger USA, Dometic Germany, Demar Poland , Hiviz USA, BRP, Camo Systems New Zealand, Armytek Canada. SAYGA LLP has been a reliable supplier of cartridges, equipments and special funds to the security forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 20 years.

Основные тематики:

Рыболовные снасти и инвентарь,Одежда, обувь, аксессуары для Снаряжения для отдыха, туризмаОхотничье оружие и ножи, Инструменты и оборудование дляОдежда, обувь, аксессуары и охУстройства слежения, оптика, сПалатки, тенты, маскировка, Экипировка и средства защиты, Приспособления для приготовленПодарки и сувениры,
